North-South Railway: Transportation Demand Study for South Segment (Uruaçu-Anápolis)
Meet the need of a major Brazilian contractor for estimates of transportation demand in the Uruaçu-Anápolis segment of the North-South Railway.
- Adjusting the transportation simulation multimodal network in the railway area of influence, in order to review its development prospects and potential demand
- Calibration of the transportation planning model and simulation of the route alternative chosen
- Estimate the railway’s future demand throughout the study timeline and indicate how this demand is made up as far as the railway’s interaction with other transportation modes
- Calculate indicators of economic assessment for the situations with and without the project, for each simulation timeline
- Studies of Demand, Capacity and Access to the Santos Port Complex
- North-South Railway System: Support to the Study of Development Alternatives
- North-South Railway: Transportation Demand Study for South Segment (Uruaçu-Anápolis)
- North-South Railway : Transportation Demand Study for the Southern Segment (Uruaçu-Palmas)
- North-South Railway : Demand Estimate Study for Corporación Andina de Fomento (CAF)
- Ferronorte: Demand Study for Alto Taquari and Extension to Rondonópolis