North-South Railway System: Support to the Study of Development Alternatives

Characterize supply and demand Simulate transportation flows for the baseline year and within a medium and short term time horizon Conduct economic/financial analysis

  • Identify and detail zoning for the railway area of influence
  • Define the transportation multimodal network
  • Update attributes and calibration of the transportation multimodal network
  • Characterize production and consumption of relevant products
  • Survey and estimates of origin/destination matrices for the study baseline year
  • Projection of the origin/destination matrices for the study’s timeline
  • Calibration of the transportation planning model
  • Identify characteristics of transportation alternatives to be evaluated
  • Simulate alternatives based on flows corresponding to the OD matrices for the baseline and future years
  • Characterize economic evaluation indicators
  • Assess economic impact of simulated alternatives
  • Collect subsidies to develop project’s business plan